Tuesday, September 25, 2007

a new beginning

well i have been living in Los Angeles, CA for about 5 days now...and i couldnt be happier. I will admit, it was hard at first, but time heals all wounds and boy is that correct! i got to hang out with my cousins whom i havent seen in YEARS and it was so much fun. I hung out with my roommate one night, and hung out with some good friends who live in the area. its been really fun getting to hang out with people i love who i normally dont get to hang out with but now that we live closer, i will. of course i miss all my friends in san jose, but this change has been long overdue and its just been really good for me. i feel like i can totally start over and be whomever i want to be. i am not going to change for anyone, so dont worry about that. and i feel as though i am already really happy with who i am, but there are some things i would like to change and now i feel as though i can. i have grown acustom to a "i dont care what others think" complex and i really enjoy that. if people dont like me, thats their loss. and if someone wants to make fun of me for the way i am, let them. they obviously dont deserve to be my friend. i know what true friends are all about and i believe i can tell which ones are which.

i am blessed with awesome people in my life. even though many people are sad that i moved, they all know its for the best and that this is something i had to do. i know they are truly happy for me and i know i have their prayers and thats all that truly matters to me. so many people have told me how proud they are of me and that really means the world to me. it has been such a blessing to have so many awesome people in my life and i really couldnt be happier.

as of now, our lease is for 6 months and i kind of already have someone to move out with when this lease is up and i really hope it works out. i told people that in 6 months is when i will decide to stay or go back to san jose, but im not sure thats true anymore. my friend who lives here (he moved from NY) said it took him 2 years to realize he wanted to stay in LA. he even moved back to NY for about a month and thats when he realized he loved living in LA. the same could be true for me, but i dont know. we'll just have to wait and see. its only been 5 days but so far so good.

i have an interview at a nanny agency tomorrow morning and i am really excited and really praying that they can give me a job asap so i'll have an income quickly. but we'll see! it's all in God's hands and i know whatever happens, happens and its all part of His plan.

also i just found out there is a church that meets sunday nights right across the street from me so that would be super nice if its cool. i looked outside when i was here this sunday night and it seemed like there was alot of younger people so hopefully it'll work out. otherwise, i know of a few other churches i can look into.

well i guess that's all for now! i'm heading off to target with my roommates to buy some decorations for our apt so im excited to hang out with them


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Los Angeles, CA

well it's finally happening...i'm moving to Los Angeles!! i am very excited. i am not going to school, i am mot moving for friends (although, i am excited to be closer to some people), i am not going to be an actress...I am going because I want to. I have always loved LA and always wanted to live there, so i am doing it. who knows how long it will last, but i need to try it. and if i dont try it now, i dont know if i ever will. i will miss many many people in san jose, but i will keep in close contact. no worries.

anyways, moving day is september 21st and i couldnt be more excited. i am sharing the apartment with 4 other girls, yes 4. and they are all great girls and i cant wait to get to know them even more. it's 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1038 sqft.

here's a link to the apartment complex...

and here are some pictures i took when i saw the place the other day.

view of the building from across the street

ours is on the 4th floor, right there in the middle

when you open the front door, this is what you see

take a few steps and turn around, here's the kitchen

living room/kitchen

when you walk in the front door, turn left, and there's the bathroom

pivot right, there's the tub and the hallway to my room

on the left side at the end of the hallway is my walk-in closet

my room

the balcony

standing on the balcony, look right and you see

look left and see

look straight and see (old theater and burger king)

stephanie, michelle, and britt's room (that's michelle in the picture)